Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Always Go into the Light, My Children

Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on August 22, 2024 - Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary


My dear little children praised be Jesus.

As mother of Jesus, I was born without the stain of sin so that My Son could also be born with My blood and without the stain of sin. He was born and wrapped in swaddling clothes and cuddled in My arms. My St. Joseph spent the rest of his life protecting us, providing for us, and teaching us with the virtue of praise. My son grew up with a pearl of tremendous wisdom, knowledge, integrity, and prudence. His personality and playful charm enticed the children as He grew. I was His refuge all His earthly life and suffered with Him as He experienced His cruel scourging and crucifixion. I experienced every drop of blood as He was tormented. The sword pierced My heart, and I suffered as I witnessed the torments My Son endured for the sins of mankind.

When He gave up His spirit, the God the Father wrapped Him in a swaddling wrap and cuddled Him. After 3 days the Celestial Choir of Angels and God the Father welcomed Him into the Eternal Emerald Heaven.

When I gave up My spirit, My Son wrapped Me in a swaddling wrap, as I wrapped Him when He was born and cuddled Me. After 3 days, The Holy Choir of Angels and Jesus welcomed Me into the Eternal Emerald Heaven to be with Him and God the Father. There, God the Father Crowned Me as Queen of Heaven, Earth, and the Universe.

You too, My children, are wrapped in swaddling clothes and cuddled by Me, after you give up your spirit. After 3 days, you are welcomed into the Eternal Emerald Heaven, to meet My Son, Face to Face. There, your verdict of judgment is ruled. Different levels of Heaven and Purgatory have been ordained for you specifically My children, pending your Eternal fate, missions in life, your Fiat and accomplishments, and Sacramental repentance.

Always go INTO the Light, My Children.

Do not be afraid; My Queenship is comprised of many precious souls.

Peace to you. I remain with you.

Ad Deum

Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!

Source: ➥